The Matra 670 number 12 with white facings is the top car of the Matra team. It is equipped with the MS72 engine and is entrusted to the most exclusive crew at the start, Beltoise / Amon who are the big favourites. Recalling their 1971 retirement, after 18 hours of wasted effort, Amon told Beltoise, "If we have to retire this time, let it be as soon as possible." He does not believe so well!
After having tried a short hood, they finally opt for the long one, which makes it possible to take 300 rpm more in a straight line. At the very end of the tests, the two pilots detected a vibration in the engine but the team hesitated to mount another, especially since a test carried out on the aerodrome to test the new clutch revealed nothing wrong. 'unnatural. Third on the grid with a time of 3'46"6, Beltoise took command during the second lap, which he completed in 3'49"7. But passing in front of the pits, a connecting rod crossed the block and the oil caught fire on contact with the exhausts.
Jean-Pierre stops at the bottom of the Dunlop descent, near a marshal post. The fire was quickly contained, the pilot lifted the hood and could only see the damage. Terribly disappointed, he goes back to the pits under the whistles of a public as stupid as they are cruel. Beltoise pays as much for his unjustified reputation as a breaker as his rowdy declarations about the 24 Hours. We will then learn that the breakage was due to a defect in the assembly of a connecting rod bearing. Ironically, it was the spare engine from number 12 that enabled Chris Amon to take pole position at the French Grand Prix three weeks later.
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O mais azarado dos Matras , foi conduzido por Beltoise e Amon e desistiu logo na primeira hora de prova com problemas de motor.

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